
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
WGP Episode 49: Olmec Says Kayako Beats Sadako
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
And we're back! Yes, after a week's hiatus, Adam and Logan are back and breaking down more news than you can shake an Academy Award at (or 6, if you're Mad Max)! With some reflections on the Oscars and a breakdown of even more reboots/revivals/revisions of things into TV shows and TV movies, as well as some DC casting news, Marvel rumors shot down, and the most bananas horror movie mashup yet(!), We Geek Podcast is back in full swing. Also, since we have to books to breakdown this week, there's no required reading for next week's show- instead, you have to listen to the cast recording of Hamilton so Logan doesn't have to resort to sitting people down and duct taping headphones to their heads (he's out of control). Welcome back!

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
WGP Special: Secret Origins Pilot Episode
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
This week, We Geek Podcast is proud to present a special airing of the never-before-heard pilot episode! Before the first recorded and uploaded episode, Adam and Logan recorded a trial run just to get a feel for the flow of the conversation and make notes on what needed to change before the first real recording. As a special treat for our fans as we get closer to our one year anniversary, WGP is happy to share this special presentation of The Secret Origins of We Geek Podcast!

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
WGP Episode 48: One Vote for Jon and One for Keira
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Tangents! Adam and Logan have trouble staying on track this week, and it's a packed show to begin with! Cast updates for Star Wars Episode VIII and Ash vs. Evil Dead, trailers for Game of Thrones and Daredevil, investor calls unveiling new details on Destiny's future, plus reviews! Oh yeah, we're talking Deadpool in all its glory and record-breaking box office success! One of the most fun-filled episodes ever, and you don't want to miss it!

Thursday Feb 11, 2016
WGP Episode 47: The Drinking Game Word is “Reboot”
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Trailers! Yes, plenty of spots from the Super Bowl to look at this week, and Adam and Logan break down what’s new in them as well as taking a look at some Universal casting news and a shuffle in the 2018 film calendar. Also, some exciting DC TV news, an update on the Star Trek series, announcements on more reboots and "re-imaginings" and a goodbye both to GameTrailers as it shutters its site and Daniel Bryan as he hangs up his boots. Come join us as we discuss Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, and Adam picks, in a surprise move, another Star Wars book for next week!

Thursday Feb 04, 2016
WGP Episode 46: Today's Legends of Tomorrow
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Reviews! Adam and Logan take some time to look over some movie release dates and TV casting news, and then dedicate the back half of the show to reviews! The Alchemist, everything CW superhero, Star Wars Rebels, X-Files, and more! Plus, the near-instant reveal of next week’s book which is a must-read for everyone! Stay tuned for updates on future projects coming soon to an internet near you!

Thursday Jan 28, 2016
WGP Episode 45: A New Style of Royal Rumble
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
News! A truckload of news to unpack this week, and Adam and Logan break it all down- from Marvel casting news to video game delays to a DC comics relaunch that Adam is against before he decides to be for it! This and so much more news (with many Star Wars tangents), capped off by Logan's breakdown of the Royal Rumble and subsequent Monday Night Raw. This is definitely and episode you don't want to miss!

Thursday Jan 21, 2016
WGP Episode 44: So Far, 2016 Sucks
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Yep. More sad news this week with the passing of Alan Rickman, and Adam and Logan take the top of the show to look back on his tremendous career and turn all the loss this year into something positive with #Create2016. On the other news side, because the show must go on, Adam and Logan take a long time to break down this week's casting announcements for Aquaman and Laurel and Hardy, a brief look at a new Tina Fey/Ronda Rousey comedy (you read that right), as well as a ton of comic book TV show news! Will these two continue to be excited about Star Wars projects? Always.

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
WGP Episode 43: Sugar and Spice and...Was That Patrick Stewart?
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
News! Our second week of the year and already a truckload of news! Adam and Logan go through mountains of movie news, from Ready Player One and Robing Hood castings, to directors joining (Black Panther) and leaving (World War Z 2) projects, as well as a truckload of TV news courtesy of the Television Critics Association press conferences this week. Also, Adam breaks down what he's been up to in the Old Republic, and Logan tries to bring some Mentat thinking to help Adam understand Dune before deciding on next week's book! Plus, the beginnings of some new content ideas start to form with potential announcements on the horizon! What new ventures await our intrepid duo for the new year? Stay tuned!

Thursday Jan 07, 2016
WGP Episode 42: Aftermath of 2015
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
New! New year, new format, new(ish) segment! Adam and Logan kick off 2016 with some depressing director news from Marvel and Hasbro, a look at what’s coming soon to Netflix, and how Logan can’t spellcheck when it comes to things like UFC. Also, the guys break down Star Wars Aftermath and Logan reveals his next 52 Books in 52 Weeks pick, but not until after Adam talks up a concept art book from The Force Awakens so much that Logan buys it mid-show!

Thursday Dec 31, 2015
WGP Episode 41: The Year That Was 2015
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
2015! And so another year has come and gone, and after a brief roundup of some last minute Doctor Strange and Batman v Superman news, Adam and Logan break out their Top 10 lists of movies and video games, plus what they’re looking forward to in 2016 and throwing down the gauntlet on some New Year’s Resolutions!

Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
WGP Episode 40: The Force is Strong at Christmas
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Numbers! (Sorry, running out of pithy one word openings here.) Adam and Logan take a look at some casting news for John Wick 2, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow, as well as breaking down the myriad of records that The Force Awakens shattered during its opening weekend! Also, ColecoVision announces a new console (yeah, way!), rumors resurface about a Dreamcast 2, a look at current and past Star Wars comics, and some more details about Pokémon GO (except a release date, drat). Next week, Adam and Logan are going to present their Top 10 Games and Movies of 2015, as well as a geek-themed or inspired New Year’s Resolution and we want to hear from you! Tweet, e-mail, or comment your favorite games and movies of this past year and let us know something geek you plan on doing next year and we’ll put our favorites on the air!

Saturday Dec 19, 2015
WGP Special: The Force Awakens
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
SPOILER ALERT! You have been warned, and will be a few times, but this is a full spoiler review and reaction to Star Wars Episode VII. Come join Adam and Logan on a near two hour look at the themes, parallels, surprises, and so much more of everything that the return of Star Wars to the silver screen has to offer!

Friday Dec 18, 2015
WGP Episode 39: A Disturbance in the Force
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Mutiny! Well, no, not really, but Adam’s still under the weather from last week so Logan takes the lead on dissecting the half dozen trailers that dropped this week, along with some Dark Tower and Guardians Vol. 2 casting news. Plus, an update on the fate of the MST3K Kickstarter, a ton of video game news, and how Paramount can put together a shared cinematic universe that can compete with Marvel and DC! All this and a good bit more, and stay glued to the podcast feed as we’ll be dropping a special full spoil review of The Force Awakens this weekend!

Thursday Dec 10, 2015
WGP Episode 38: And the Experience Award Goes To
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Games! Adam and Logan share their reactions to The Game Awards winners, segments, and announcements, as well as Sony’s newest Playstation Experience conference! Also, casting news for upcoming Supergirl episodes, a new Game of Thrones trailer, Margaret Atwood’s graphic novel announced, and just oh so much video game news and more! Just how many of our predictions did we get right? The answer will surprise you on this week’s episode of We Geek Podcast!

Thursday Dec 03, 2015
WGP Episode 37: The Experience is Coming
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Speculation! Adam and Logan break down some leaks coming before the Playstation Experience this weekend, as well as offer up some predictions on what they want to/think they’ll see! Also, a new Batman v Superman teaser drops, more Prometheus sequels announced, MST3K hits another crowdfunding milestone (and adds Patton Oswalt!), and plenty more in an episode that always finds its way back to Star Wars! And stick around for the reviews this week, as Logan actually defends Universal’s live-action Jem and the Holograms! Truly, truly outrageous!

Thursday Nov 26, 2015
WGP Episode 36: Civil War Surprise
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Surprise! Yes, it bears repeating as partway into the show, Marvel decides to drop the Captain America: Civil War trailer. As if Adam and Logan needed anything more to talk about on this jam-packed show. Everything from the Now You See Me 2 trailer, to more Baywatch casting, to a new Riddick movie, to a Tremors TV reboot, to an unusually large dump of video game news (PS2 backwards compatibility!) and more, with plenty of reviews on the side, make for a fully stuffed episode this week!

Thursday Nov 19, 2015
WGP Episode 35: Fallout From Tomb Raider's Release
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
News! Odd news this week, as Adam and Logan break down some casting rumors for Justice League Dark and The Dark Tower, as well as the premiere dates for season two of Agent Carter and Better Call Saul and some blockbuster announcements from the latest Nintendo Direct! Also, just how bad did Tomb Raider fare dropping on the same day as Fallout 4? Why is beloved fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss on Twitch with Fallout 4? Was there actually enough time this week to get through the reviews? Answers to all of these questions and plenty more you didn't know you wanted to ask are revealed on this week's episode! Don't forget to invite all your friends to our Facebook group and leave us comments, send us e-mails, and tweet at us your thoughts, opinions, and news we might've missed to be featured on next week's show!

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
WGP Episode 34: It's Not Easy Being Champ
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Whoa! Adam and Logan break down some big news this week about a new MST3K Kickstarter and WWE scrambling to crown a new champ, as well as some major casting news for The Walking Dead! Also, Adam breaks down the Warcraft trailer and gives a brief Azeroth history lesson, Logan talks about why he got an Xbox One, and they both agree that Morning Glories needs another week to get through because it’s really confusing. Plus, why did Universal yank two movies out of cinemas after just two weeks? All this plus more news, reactions, and reviews, so tune in and make sure to send us your opinions, suggestions, or scoops to be featured on next week’s show!

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
WGP Episode 33: 80's Series Find A Way
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Reviews! Adam and Logan break down some recent films, as well as news on some new TV series- everything from Star Trek (coming 2017!) to Van Helsing's daughter to His Dark Materials to a reboot of The Greatest American Hero (don't worry, nobody sings the song). Plus, updates on the Six Million Dollar Man reboot film, Pacific Rim 2, and the ongoing Konami/Kojima saga (and in the same week!) along with casting news for Doctor Strange and Gotham, an update on our rapidly closing t-shirt sale, and so, so much more! Also, a big time shoutout to the #ForceForDaniel campaign and we urge you to donate to their GoFundMe campaign to help with his medical costs (found here- https://www.gofundme.com/e1tqh4).

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
WGP Episode 32: Paris Games and Giant Sharks
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Games! Tons of game news this week after Sony’s press conference at Paris Games Week, and Adam and Logan break down the biggest and best bits. Also, some news from a leaked Sony survey, Gambit’s director search continues, a presumed dead Star Wars game possibly coming back (poetically), and news on Syfy’s Krypton series as well as a look at Destiny’s Halloween-themed content and oh so much more! Also, big, big news for the show itself…merch! We’ve got our first-ever, brand-new, limited-run shirt out right now that you can get! Details are on our Facebook page and group. As always, keep tuning in to us on TheEnd Radio Network on Wednesdays at 9 PM EST.

Sunday Oct 25, 2015
WGP Special: Destiny 101
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Join Adam and Logan as they take some time to explain everything they can explain and give a brief overview of the mechanics and features of Bungie's smash FPS/MMO hit in this Beginner's Guide to Destiny- covering everything from different character classes, to quest types, to currencies, to the importance of daily/weekly missions, and how things have changed drastically, and for the better, since Year One. Come hear your new favorite geek duo shed a little light on why now is the perfect jumping on or rejoining point for Destiny!

Thursday Oct 22, 2015
WGP Episode 31: The Force’s Alarm Clock Rings
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Tickets! Get your tickets anywhere on the internet that hasn’t crashed! Yes, Star Wars tickets went on sale this week and broke the internet. Adam and Logan break down the new trailer and what each of them think it all points toward (spoiler-free, we promise), as well as going over some new details on Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians Vol. 2, and a bunch of directors found for films like Black Panther, Die Hard 6, and Gambit! Come for the Star Wars, stay for the Gilmore Girls (oh does Logan get rolling here). All of this and more, including a teaser for an upcoming Beginner’s Guide to Destiny bonus episode dropping later this week!

Thursday Oct 15, 2015
WGP Episode 30: The Dead Walk Again
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Whew! We made it to 30! Big week in movie news as Adam and Logan take a look at some changes in the Marvel movie lineup, the announcement of the future Pixar movie lineup, Marvel’s next comic crossovers, and a brand new Friday the 13th game coming soon! And some questions- is the Inhumans movie cancelled? Is Moon Knight coming to Netflix? Did Logan cry reading I Kill Giants? Will Adam ever watch the last season of Doctor Who? Find out the answers to these and many more questions, along with reviews of this past week in TV and comics, on this thrilling episode of We Geek Podcast!

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
WGP Episode 29: The Kingkiller Cometh!
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
News! The greatest news ever! Adam and Logan break down the deal to bring the Kingkiller Chronicle to movies, TV, and even video games! Also, some new DC movie news, announcements about Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok, as well as a Watchmen TV series announcement and a brand new Far Cry is coming (spoiler alert- it looks amazing)! Plus, reviews of the first season of Fear the Walking Dead, the season premiere of The Flash, and some blockbuster plot twists in Gotham, along with a preview of New York Comic-Con in a segment completely about conventions; we've got a packed show! Don't forget to give us your feedback on Facebook and Twitter and tune in to us on TheEnd.fm on Wednesdays at 9 PM EST!

Friday Oct 02, 2015
WGP Episode 28: The Splat is Coming
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Friday Oct 02, 2015
News! The TeenNick network is getting a 90’s programming block, and we’re thrilled! Adam and Logan look at just how big The Splat is going to be, and also discuss a potential A-Team remake, Robbie Amell’s idea for Batman Beyond, and just what is going on with Pacific Rim 2. Also, our review of our first fan-chosen comic, and so much more to cover! Keep checking us out over on TheEnd.fm every Wednesday at 9 PM EST and getting involved with our community-centric Facebook group!

Thursday Sep 24, 2015
WGP Episode 27: The Doctor is In, The Companion is Out
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Thursday Sep 24, 2015
Premieres! This week, Adam and Logan take a look at some of the new shows and season premiers this week, as well as some movie production shakeups. Also, our first official look at the Jessica Jones crew, another story about strange things at Konami, and Bill Finger finally getting some of his due. Plus, a breakdown of Kevin Smith’s Green Arrow story Quiver, as well as a reveal of our first comic volume poll winner to read for next week’s show! Keep tuning in to us live-adjacent on TheEnd.fm every Wednesday night at 9 PM EST!

Thursday Sep 17, 2015
WGP Episode 26: Snyder Shot First
Thursday Sep 17, 2015
Thursday Sep 17, 2015
Showtime! We’re now on our new home on TheEnd.fm, and what a better way to kick off than with a jam-packed show! Adam and Logan discuss some great casting news for Ready Player One and Doctor Strange, a pitch perfect director for a Charlie’s Angels reboot (yes, another one), as well as news from Tokyo Game Show, and a total geek out over the Pokémon game announcement that all of us have wanted ever since the first time we encountered the little monsters! That plus 90’s Nicktoons getting a new channel and even more news! Huge thanks to DJ RoboRob for our theme and TheEnd.fm for giving us a platform to grow! Age of the geek!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
WGP Episode 25: 25th Episode Madness!
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
25! Wow, we've made it this far! Adam and Logan break down some Game of Thrones and Luke Cage casting news, as well as major Nicktoons news that is guaranteed to make 90's kids explode! Along with a brief look at some Secret Wars stories wrapping up and how some of them will move forward, they end the show by descending into some Mad Max and Mr. Robot madness! And also another update on our new community-centric Facebook group and when we will start airing on TheEnd.fm!

Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
WGP Episode 24: Destiny Until Dawn
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
News! Adam and Logan go through some casting news for Bourne and The Flash, ponder a modern-day detective story of Tom and Huck (yes, Sawyer and Finn), look forward to the Star Wars Battlefront beta, give a salute to Kojima and the lasting impact of Metal Gear, and Adam goes in-depth into what's new and coming soon to Destiny! Also, some news of our own as we update our plans with TheEnd.fm, lay out our plans for the Book of the Week segment, and unveil our new, more community-centric Facebook group!

Saturday Aug 29, 2015
WGP Reacts: NXT, Summerslam, and Raw in Brooklyn
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Triple-header! Adam and Logan break out the bonus episode to breakdown the WWE's three-day Brooklyn blowout, as well as give some backstory on their own cycles of wrestling fandom. From Stephen Amell's ring work to Jon Stewart's chair work, Xavier Wood's trombone to Taker and Lesnar's soup bones, they go over the highlights of the weekend and what this may mean moving forward. And don't mind if Logan gets emotional over Bayley's TakeOver match, he's a hugger.

Wednesday Aug 26, 2015
WGP Episode 23: Read More Comics!
Wednesday Aug 26, 2015
Wednesday Aug 26, 2015
That's a wrap! Well, not for us, but it seemed like all of next year's blockbusters finished filming this week, so Adam and Logan look forward to those and break down some casting news for Luke Cage, The Flash, and Gambit, as well as some new Star Wars news (yay!), reviews of Ballers and Fear the Walking Dead, and more previews for Destiny's The Taken King expansion (the drinking game lives on). Also, an update on our partnership with TheEnd.fm, the addition of a new segment moving forward, and the conception and announcement of a bonus episode later this week!

Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
WGP Episode 22: Straight Outta D23
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015
News! Lots of news this week, as Adam and Logan break down some reboots, remakes, re-imaginings, and completely unnecessary sequels, as well as Marvel and Star Wars announcements from Disney's D23 Expo. Come for the astonishment over Sesame Street's move to HBO, stay for Logan's full-throated assault on FOX's Fantastic Four fiasco! Bring popcorn!

Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
WGP Episode 21: Changes They Are A-Comin'
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
Big news! And this time it isn't just from the outside world, but we here at We Geek Podcast have a little programming news of our own exciting news to share- we're jumping on board with The End Radio Network, theend.fm, to bring our show to a whole new platform! This is why you'll notice the breaks for sponsors that jump right back in, as we're using this episode for practice. More details to come in the following weeks. But for this week, Adam and Logan talk about some big CW casting news, Sony's surprise schedule for the next four years, and Adam goes into some more detail about Destiny (that's right, get your drinks ready). Stick around for Adam's review of Fantastic Four, if you dare, and don't forget to like us on Facebook (We Geek Podcast), follow us on Twitter (@WeGeekPodcast), and leave us reviews and ratings on iTunes!

Wednesday Aug 05, 2015
WGP Episode 20: Gamescom Begins!
Wednesday Aug 05, 2015
Wednesday Aug 05, 2015
Games! Lots of video game news for Adam and Logan to dig through with Gamescom starting this week. Also, some DC TV casting news, some "They're really making this" movie news (prefaced by Logan's budget movie speech), and reviews of Pixels and Ernest Cline's new novel Armada. We didn't forget the Destiny news, as Adam becomes a Destiny-themed drinking game for this episode! Cheers!

Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
WGP Episode 19: But Wait! There's More!
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Extra! Extra! Hear all about it! What began as a show with Adam and Logan breaking down some casting news with Doctor Strange and the new Bourne film, wound around to the sort of chaos that is the FOX “plan” for the X-Men movies, and wouldn’t you know that right after recording wrapped we get a HUGE Gambit bombshell! And that was only one of the two big headlines to come after the record light went off! But don’t worry, they came back weigh in, and it gets edited in at an unintended ironic lace. There’s also some good Netflix and Jurassic World news, and discussions Secret Wars, Silver Surfer, and just how awesome NXT is!

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
WGP Episode 18: Super Ultra Ant-Man Review Turbo Tournament Edition
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wow! A lot of casting news for The Flash and Arrow for Adam and Logan to break down this week, as well as a double dose of Disney live-action reboots, a 90's cult favorite NBC reboot, a rare science nugget as Stephen Hawking begins to search for aliens, and the death of the Super/Ultra/Arcade Edition versions of Street Fighter! If you've seen it, stick around for the full-spoiler Ant-Man review (right after the brief spoiler-free one) as well as speculation on some fan theories that would make upcoming films way more awesome!

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
WGP Episode 17: Comic-Con Wrap-Up
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Whew! Well, that was exciting! Adam and Logan break down some of the biggest news and trailers from this year's San Diego Comic-Con, and did we have a lot to discuss! Everything from Batman v Superman getting a real trailer, to leaked footage of Deadpool looking like a Deadpool movie, to whether or not we should Fear the Walking Dead (we should). Also, a quick mention of the new Doctor Who trailer leads to a breakdown of why Adam needs to go back and watch David Tenant's run and how awesome of a job Peter Capaldi is doing! Don't forget to send us your feedback on the social media avenue of your choice, and stay tuned for some potentially big news in the coming weeks!

Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
WGP Episode 16: Calm Before the Con
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Things have gone somewhat quiet in the geek world as everyone holds their cards until San Diego Comic-Con later this week. Even Logan goes quieter than usual (well, his voice is shot from being sick), but Adam and he have some casting news from Star Wars and Marvel to discuss, as well as give a brief preview to some key SDCC panels, then talk about Secret Wars still rolling on, Dragon Ball Super premiering, and how everyone needs to go out on Netflix and watch "I Know that Voice", right after you finish this episode, of course.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
WGP Episode 15: Post-Secret Wars Preview
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Whoa! Lots of Marvel news this week as Adam and Logan dive into Marvel's leaked line-up of comics after Secret Wars is all said and done! Plus, The Last of Us 2...confirmed? Nintendo Cross...revealed? Tyrese Gibson...John Stewart? The rumor mills are churning, and We Geek Podcast is here to speculate with the best of them, and we encourage you to share your speculations with us!

Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
WGP Episode 14: Arkham Knight and Spider-Man
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Not the busiest news week, but a big one nonetheless! Adam and Logan dig into the new star and director for Spider-Man: The New Avenger, as well as some news about a Kick-Ass prequel, a Kindergarten Cop remake, and Agent Carters showrunners taking over the Captain Marvel comic. Also, a little more about The Witcher 3, and some first impressions of Batman: Arkham Knight, where we rediscover Adam's deep loathing of driving games and elements. Yikes! A good talk, an interesting talk, and, spoiler alert, it turns out that Logan was playing Arkham Knight the entire time!

Sunday Jun 21, 2015
WGP Reacts- Game of Thrones season 5
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Spoiler alert! Right off the top, we are going to spoil this season of Game of Thrones. You've been warned. Now, if you're still with us, come listen to Adam and Logan break down season 5 of Game of Thrones into tiny little analyzable pieces, as well as give some thoughts as to where the show might be headed going forward (no book spoilers or information involved). Who died this season? Who didn't? Who might have? Who do we wish had? What about some of those more controversial moments, were they really necessary? Hear our take on it, then send us your own through the social media outlet of your choice, and your response may be featured on next Wednesday's episode!

Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
WGP Episode 13: E3
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wow! E3 is here and the press conferences gave us so much news! Microsoft showed off Hololens and some new exclusives, EA showed Star Wars gameplay, Bethesda brought Fallout, big time, and Sony gave the fans exactly what they want! Adam and Logan share their reactions and analysis and break down all the news that fits! Also, a very important announcement regarding an upcoming Game of Thrones season recap show!

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
WGP Special- E3 Predictions
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
E3 is coming! Adam and Logan roll out their predictions for the conferences, starting Sunday, which include some intriguing probable announcements as well as some pie-in-the-sky "wouldn't this be awesome" ideas! Fill out your own fantasy ballot and submit it to us on Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail it to us and we'll tally them up on next Wednesday's show!

Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
World 1-12
Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
Yowza! Lots of news this week as Adam and Logan break down some Marvel TV rumors, some GIANT Daredevil casting news, more movie remakes coming, some movies being banished to the ether, Fallout 4 being announced, and E3 on the way! Also, a minor breakdown of Apple's newest announcements, a recap of Mad Max, Tomorrowland, Game of Thrones, and Adam finally cuts loose and dishes on the awesomeness of Witcher 3! Plus a special announcement for a second show this week that you don't want to miss!

Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
World 1-11
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Holy cats! Adam and Logan take a week filled with some decent news about a Prison Break revival, an imminent Fallout 4 announcement, a director found for The Dark Tower, and a handful more stories and turn the conversation into a sweeping narrative that somehow winds from Sony at E3 2013 all the way to Adam buying a Pokémon edition of Monopoly during the show! You can't miss this one!

Wednesday May 27, 2015
World 1-10
Wednesday May 27, 2015
Wednesday May 27, 2015
We made it to 10 full episodes! And wouldn't you know it, it was a slow news week. Horrifying casting rumors, a pinch of movie updates, and a couple of video game announcements pretty much cover it, but Adam and Logan branch out the discussion and go in-depth on some older and obscure racing games, as well as start to really get into the meat of Marvel's Secret Wars event!

Friday May 22, 2015
WGP Reacts- Avengers: Age of Ultron
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
We've teased and hyped it for weeks, and now our dedicated Age of Ultron podcast is here! Warning- here be spoilers! Lots and lots of spoilers! Adam and Logan dive into everything they loved about the film, some things they might've liked to have seen, what happened, and what this means moving forward in the MCU!

Wednesday May 20, 2015
World 1-9
Wednesday May 20, 2015
Wednesday May 20, 2015
Finales! Some season, some series, as Adam and Logan say "see you later" to Flash and Arrow, and "so long and thanks for all the fish" to Mad Men and CSI. A New Mutants movie looks to be in the works, and a new Spider-Man has all but officially been cast; we get a first look at both CBS's upcoming Supergirl series and Ogrim Doomhammer's look in the upcoming Warcraft movie, which leads to a discussion on MMO's and which host does and doesn't like them (never forget Kerafyrm!). Also, an update on the upcoming Age of Ultron solo episode (yes, it's coming, we promise).

Wednesday May 13, 2015
World 1-8
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
TV! Lots of TV news this week, what with the up fronts and all, and Adam and Logan dive right in. From Constantine's cancellation to Heroes Reborn to the Muppets' Office, we cover it all. And Secret Wars kicked off this past week! We talk about it! Some movie news and a brand-new Assassin's Creed game round out the week, with an update on our upcoming Age of Ultron spoilercast. Join us!

Wednesday May 06, 2015
World 1-7
Wednesday May 06, 2015
Wednesday May 06, 2015
Holy technical difficulties, Batman! This week, Adam and Logan discover what happens when things go wrong when recording a podcast at 2 AM. A light news week, mostly vague movie announcements, so that means it's speculation and story time! We also toss around some ideas for recurring side shows (in particular, choosing a particular comic run or arc to analyze), and we're open to your ideas as well! Apologies for the odd edits, we did the best we could.